Terms & conditions

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Introduction to Terms and Conditions


These Terms and Conditions apply between all Users of this Website (including but not limited to Members), and Supperclubme Now Portal, the owner(s) of this Website. Additionally these Terms and Conditions apply to the use of and (where applicable) purchase of Membership and Services. Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully, as they affect your legal rights.


1. Definitions and Interpretations




Throughout these Terms and Conditions, the following words will have the meanings set against them:


“AED” means United Arab Dirhams, or the lawful currency for the time being in the UAE;


“Business Day” means a day that is not a Saturday or Sunday or any other day which is declared by the UAE government to be a holiday for the private sector in the UAE;


“Content” means any text, graphics, images, audio, video, software, data compilations, page layout, underlying code and software and any other form of information capable of being stored in a computer that appears on or forms part of this Website;


“Corporate Member” has the meaning set out in Clause 10;


“DIFC” means the Dubai International Financial Centre;


“DIFC-LCIA” means the Dubai International Financial Centre London Court of International Arbitration;


“Members” means Users who have an active subscription to a Membership;


“Membership” means subscription as a Member entitling the User to receive the Digital Membership Access and benefit from the Services;


“Membership Access” means Supperclubme digital membership access issued to the relevant Member(s) as part of a subscription package upon registering as a Member, receipt of which entitles the Member to use of the Services;


“Membership Fee(s)” means the fee payable by a Member, as may be determined from time to time, in exchange for Membership pursuant to Clause 13.1;


“Privacy Policy” means the policy relating to privacy and date use found on the Privacy Policy web page;


“Supperclubme ” means Supperclubme Now Portal, a company incorporated in the Dtec, Dubai Silicon Oasis;


“Services” means, collectively or individually as appropriate, any of the following:


access for Members to the restaurants and outlets set out on the restaurants and outlets web page set out against each restaurant or outlet;


each in accordance with these Terms and Conditions;


“Service Providers” means the hotels, restaurants and outlets providing one or more of the Services;


“UAE” means the United Arab Emirates;


“User” means any and all persons who access the Website and use the Services or receive Membership Cards; and


“Website” means this website; www.supperclubeme.com, and any sub-domaines of this site, owned by Supperclubme Now Portal, unless expressly excluded by their own terms and conditions.


2. Acceptance of Terms


2.1. Your agreement to comply with and be bound by these Terms and Conditions is deemed to occur upon your first use of the Website. Your access to and use of the Website and/or Services is subject (unless expressly stated otherwise) exclusively to these Terms and Conditions. You will not use the Website for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these Terms and Conditions or by applicable law. By using the Website you are fully accepting the terms, conditions and disclaimers contained in these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, you should stop using the Website, the Membership Card and/or the Services immediately.




Supperclubme Now Portal reserves the right to change these Terms and Conditions without notice, and Users agree to be bound by such changes. It is the responsibility of Users to check these Terms and Conditions regularly for any changes.




If you are entering into these Terms and Conditions on behalf of your employer or a third party or acting as an employee, you warrant that you are authorized to enter into legally binding contracts on behalf of your employer or the third party. You further warrant that your employer or third party agrees to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.


3. Intellectual Property and Acceptable Use of Content




All Content included on the Website, unless uploaded by Service Providers or as stated otherwise, is the property of Supperclubme Now Portal, our affiliates, licensees or other relevant third parties. By continuing to use the Website Users acknowledge that such Content is protected by copyright, trademarks, database rights and other intellectual property rights. Nothing on this site shall be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license or right to use any trademark, logo or service mark displayed on the site without the owner’s prior written permission.




Subject to Clause 4, Supperclubme Now Portal hereby grants to the User a non-exclusive license for the duration of the Membership or in the case of a User who is not a Member, until Supperclubme Now Portal may choose to revoke such license, to download, store, use, reproduce, transmit, display, copy and provide access to Content in accordance with the terms of the Membership (where applicable) and at all times only for the User’s own information purposes and for the avoidance of doubt, not for any commercial or business purposes.




Without prejudice to any rights granted herein, Supperclubme Now Portal reserves the right to amend, edit or abbreviate or take down any Content at its discretion.




The names, images and logos identifying www.supperclubeme.com, or Supperclubme Now Portal or third parties, including the Service Providers, and their products and services are subject to copyright, design rights and trade marks of Supperclubme Now Portal and/or the relevant third parties. Nothing contained in these terms shall be construed as conferring any licence or right to use any trade mark, design right, name or copyright of Supperclubme Now Portal or any other third party.


4. Prohibited Use of the Site by Users


Users are expressly forbidden to download, store, reproduce, transmit, display (including without limitation via an intranet or extranet site), copy, sell publish, distribute, provide access to Content for any purposes other than as set out herein or to sub-license, rent, lease, transfer or assign any rights in Content, to any other person, commercially exploit or use Content for any unlawful purpose.


5. Availability of the Website and Disclaimers




The Website and Services are provided “as is” and on an “as available” basis. Supperclubme Now Portal gives no warranty that the Website or Services will be free of defects and/or faults. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Supperclubme Now Portal provides no warranties (express or implied) of fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy of information, compatibility and satisfactory quality. Supperclubme Now Portal is under no obligation to update information on the Website.




Whilst Supperclubme Now Portal uses reasonable endeavours to ensure that the Website is secure and free of errors, viruses and other malware, Supperclubme Now Portal gives no warranty or guarantee in that regard and all Users take responsibility for their own security, that of their personal details and their computers.




Supperclubme Now Portal accepts no liability for any disruption or non-availability of the Website.




Supperclubme Now Portal reserves the right to alter, suspend or discontinue any part (or the whole of) the Website including, but not limited to, any products and/or services available. These Terms and Conditions shall continue to apply to any modified version of the Website unless it is expressly stated otherwise.




Members hereby acknowledge and accept that Membership does not guarantee access to any individual Services or the Services at any given time or day. Access to the Services operates on a reservation only basis and, if an individual Service is fully utilized by other Members, no additional Members will be provided said Service until Members using that Service have stopped doing so.


6. Limitation of Liability




Supperclubme Now Portal will not be liable to Users in respect of any losses arising out of events beyond Supperclubme Now Portal reasonable control.




To the maximum extent permitted by law, Supperclubme Now Portal accepts no liability for any of the following:


6.2.1. any business losses, such as loss of profits, income, revenue, anticipated savings, business, contracts, goodwill or commercial opportunities;


6.2.2. loss or corruption of any data, database or software;


6.2.3. any special, indirect or consequential loss or damage;


6.2.4. losses suffered by third parties,


as a result of the use by Users of the Website or the Services.


7. Website Content and Services




Except as otherwise expressly agreed by Supperclubme Now Portal in writing, information regarding scmeoffers.com Membership Cards and Services is subject to change without notice.




Information about scmeoffers.com Membership Cards and Services made available on and/or through this Website shall not constitute a representation, warranty or other commitment by Supperclubme Now Portal with respect to any product or service unless otherwise expressly agreed to by Supperclubme Now Portal in writing.




Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Supperclubme Now Portal hereby disclaims all warranties, express or implied, as to accuracy, suitability for any purpose or completeness of any Content, Membership Cards or Services.


8. Third Party Content




This Website makes available certain Content that has not been created by Supperclubme Now Portal either via hyperlinks which may take Users to websites not controlled or maintained by Supperclubme Now Portal, or as hosted via the Website whether or not such Content is available free of charge to all Users, to Members only or for a fee (“Third Party Content”).




Any copying, distribution, reproduction, retransmission, or modification of any of the Third Party Content or any information or materials appearing in such Third Party Content, whether in electronic or hard copy form, is subject to the prior written permission of the author and publisher of such Third Party Content.




Third Party Content is not the responsibility of Supperclubme Now Portal, and Users acknowledge and confirm that Supperclubme Now Portal has no control over the opinions, information, legality of products, or accuracy of facts or statements contained in such Third Party Content and furthermore Supperclubme Now Portal cannot guarantee and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, veracity, or completeness of any such information including but not limited to information relating to the Services. Nothing contained within Third Party Content necessarily represents the point of view of Supperclubme Now Portal.




Downloading some Third Party Content may involve Supperclubme Now Portal sharing personal data collected during registration with the authors of such Third Party Content. Users who wish to download such Third Party Content should refer to our Privacy Policy and Clause 17.1 (Data Protection) of these Terms and Conditions prior to downloading. Users who do not wish to have their data shared in this manner should not download such Third Party Content.


9. Membership




Subscription to any Membership Card is subject to acceptance of these Terms and Conditions, the Privacy Policy and specifically the following:


9.1.1. in order to become a Member, User’s are required to complete an online registration form. The User represents and warrants that the information given in that registration form will be truthful, accurate and complete. Supperclubme Now Portal will hold all such information in accordance with the terms of Supperclubme Now Portal Privacy Policy and it may be used to validate registration for Membership;


9.1.2. any subscriptions to Membership Access are deemed to commence from the date of receipt of User’s completed order, registration form or online registration and payment of the Membership Fee;


9.1.3. Unless otherwise terminated in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, prior to the end of the validity period, Membership will be automatically renewed unless the Member has cancelled the auto-renewal option.





Each Membership Access shall be valid for the term indicated thereon, unless earlier cancelled or suspended by Supperclubme Now Portal at the request of the Member or as otherwise permitted under these Terms and Conditions.




Supperclubme Now Portal reserves the right to cancel a Member’s Membership, immediately and without notice, in the following circumstances:


9.3.1. the Member fails to pay the Membership Fee prior to use of the Services or such payment is in any way rendered void following payment;


9.3.2. the Member breaches the terms and conditions imposed on use of the Services by the Service Provider providing such Services; or


9.3.3. the Member is otherwise in breach of any obligation in these Terms and Conditions.




To cancel any Membership, Member’s must contact support@supperclubme.com and upon verification that no successful bookings have been completed and the Membership subscription is still within the validity period. The purchase price will not be refunded to the purchaser.




Members shall not, under any circumstances, copy or seek to copy the Membership Access, obtain any of the Services by fraudulent means or assist others to copy the Membership Access or obtain the Services by fraudulent means.




Separately and in addition to these Terms and Conditions, when using any Service, Members agree to be bound by the terms and conditions imposed by the Service Provider providing that Service as such terms and conditions are made available by the relevant Service Provider.




When using any Service, Members shall at all times:


9.9.1 behave with decorum and in a manner appropriate to the settings of the restaurant or outlet (as applicable) 


9.9.2 not disrupt the enjoyment of other users of the restaurant or outlet (as applicable); and


9.9.3 not behave in any way which brings the Impact name into disrepute.


10. Corporate Members




Membership and access to the Supperclubme Now Portal Services may be purchased by companies on behalf of or for the benefit of their employees (each such a company being a “Corporate Member”). In such case, the Corporate Member will be liable for the actions of its employees when using this Website and the Services as though the Corporate Member was itself using this Website or the Services.




The Corporate Member will use its best endeavours to ensure that its employees that use this Website or the Services are made aware of and adhere to these Terms and Conditions and are subject to the obligations herein as though the employee was itself the Member.




The Corporate Member shall indemnify and shall keep indemnified Supperclubme Now Portal against all expenses, costs, claims, proceedings, damage and loss arising out of or in connection with any breach or non-performance of these Terms and Conditions by the Corporate Member and/or its employees or any act or omission by the Corporate Member and/or its employees.




12. Pricing




The description of any Membership, including the Membership Fee, purchased hereunder will be confirmed at point of payment online.




Prices for any www.supperclubeme.com Services or Membership Access are subject to change without prior notice. Supperclubme Now Portal aim to regularly update all publicly available sources of price information via the Website to ensure that you have accurate information available to you when you purchase.


13. Payment of the Membership Fee




The Membership Fee must be paid in advance of a Membership Access being issued and the Services being used.


13.1.1 The Membership fee is paid upfront.  Refunds are unavailable.  If you wish to transfer your membership to another party, you may do so so long as the account is in active status by emailing support@supperclubme.com with new parties contact details and your written consent to transfer the existing membership to the second party.




Membership Fee(s) are payable in AED and may be paid by credit card. Corporate members may pay via bank transfer according to separate agreement with Supperclubme Now Portal.




The credit card used for the initial payment of your www.supperclubeme.com membership will be kept on file with our chosen payment processor for the duration of your membership.  If you wish to remove your credit card information, please email support@supperclubme.com.




The owner of the credit card will be liable for any additional fees or charges applicable for the duration of the membership




All membership fees are exclusive of VAT and other sales or indirect taxes which may be due or introduced as a result of changes to Federal Law. If any such taxes are payable on payments under these Terms and Conditions, then Supperclubme Now Portal reserves the right to collect these taxes from the Member.


14. Product Delivery




Each Member will be entitled to a Digital Membership Account.




In order for Supperclubme Now Portal to produce the Digital Membership Account, each Member shall provide the following details to Supperclubme Now Portal in relation to the Member:


14.2.1. name;


14.2.2. current residential address;


14.2.3. date of birth;


14.2.4. email address;


14.2.5. telephone number;


14.2.6.credit card details.





Digital Membership Account access is delivered via email once online payment has been completed.




15. Guest Access




Member’s shall have the option to purchase additional Digital Membership Accounts which shall be valid for use by guests of the member (“Guests”) excluding public holidays




Guests shall provide to Supperclubme Now Portal the same details as are required of Members as set out in Clause 15.2 and shall be presented with their own Digital Membership Account access.




Members shall be liable for the actions of their Guests, when such Guests use the Services, as if the Guest and the Member were one and the same person and in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.




Members shall be responsible for bringing these Terms and Conditions to the attention of their Guests prior to use of the Services, or any one of them, by such Guests. Use of the Services, or any one of them, by such Guest shall be an acknowledgment by each Guest that they will adhere in full to these Terms and Conditions.




In addition to the liability of Members for the actions of their Guests whilst using the Services, or any one of them, Guests shall be personally liable for their actions as though they themselves were a Member in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.




16. General


16.1. Data Protection


16.1.1. The User (which term shall include Members) acknowledges and consents that, subject to Supperclubme Now Portal complying with all applicable data protection laws in force from time to time, Supperclubme Now Portal may disclose to relevant third parties (including but not limited to the Service Providers) any personal information relating to the User as is reasonably necessary in order to, amongst other things, process applications for Membership, perform Supperclubme Now Portal obligations under these Terms and Conditions and allow the Service Providers to provide the Services.


16.1.2. The User acknowledges and consents to Supperclubme Now Portal using personal information about Users for market research purposes and to inform Users about Supperclubme Now Portal products and services, legal developments or information which Supperclubme Now Portal believes may be of interest to Users. For further details please consult our Privacy Policy.


16.2. Force Majeure


If by reason of labour dispute, strikes, inability to obtain labour or materials, fire or other action of the elements, accidents, power or telecommunications failure, customs delays, governmental restrictions or appropriation or other causes beyond the control of a party, such that Supperclubme Now Portal is unable to perform in whole or in part its obligations set forth in these terms, then Supperclubme Now Portal shall be relieved of those obligations to the extent it is unable to perform them and such inability to perform shall not make Supperclubme Now Portal liable to any other party.


16.3. Nature of Agreement


16.3.1. For the avoidance of doubt it is hereby expressly agreed and declared that: nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall create or form or be deemed to create or form a partnership or joint venture or establish a relationship of employer and employee between the Parties; and neither Party shall be considered a Commercial Agent of the other Party for the purposes of UAE Law No. 18 of 1981, as amended (the “Commercial Agencies Law”) and these Terms and Conditions shall not be registered as a Commercial Agency in accordance with the provisions of the Commercial



17. Cancellation & Refund Policy


If you would like your membership cancelled, please let us know.  However, the membership fee is non refundable.